Fuss Manager web interface specs

Browser compatibility

The minimum browser versions supported are the versions of Chrome and Firefox as packaged in Debian 9:

  • chromium >= 73.0.3683.75-1~deb9u1 (i386, amd64)

  • firefox-esr >= 68.10.0esr-1~deb9u1 (i386, amd64)

Javascript frameworks used

For JavaScript libraries, Fuss Manager uses only what is packaged from Debian Buster onwards.

A custom file handler (see manager/web/static.py) gives priority to packaged versions, falling back on the fuss-manager static file directory when assets are not found there.

The idea is to target Debian Bullseye and Debian Buster+backports for official packaging, and make the package still installable, even if not fully policy compliant, for earlier versions of Debian.